Massage Therapy at Fletcher Chiropractic
When you receive chiropractic care, we focus on improving the health of your nervous system by making adjustments to your spine. Massage therapy has a different emphasis by working on the tension and spasm in your body’s muscles. Our massage therapist, Katie, can work with you to relax your muscles, reduce swelling and cut down on inflammation. The massage provided at our office takes more of a therapeutic approach and can involve a variety of techniques.
The forms of massage that Katie has taken extensive training on include
- Cupping
- Deep tissue
- Lymphatic drainage
- Myofascial release
- Oncology massage
- Swedish massage
- Thai massage
Doctor-Supervised Massage
You don’t have to be a chiropractic patient to schedule a massage with us. There is, however, an incredible benefit to combining them: getting the collaboration of our professional team. Katie can communicate with our doctors about your case to get you the best results.
Negative Pressure Cupping
The cupping provided at our practice isn’t like what you may have heard of elsewhere. Instead of pushing on the area that requires work, a pulling pressure is used. It’s less intense and a different type of application than is usually offered. It has the power to reshape scar tissue and bring complete healing. If you’ve had chronic problems for some time, cupping may be the ideal way to address them.
Oncology Massage Available
Part of why Katie loves being a massage therapist is to assist in easing the suffering of others. Her certification in oncology massage qualifies her to work with you at any stage. She’ll use the gentle touch you need and the therapeutic benefits that will help you during this time of your life.
Meet Kathryn Fletcher, LMT
With a lifelong interest in health and wellness, Katie joined the Fletcher Chiropractic team as a licensed massage therapist after discovering her calling at Fox Valley School of Therapeutic Massage. Immediately upon enrolling, she knew she had found her path.
Katie’s unique training gives her a comprehensive understanding of the human body—especially the musculoskeletal system.
She has also completed additional coursework in pregnancy massage, oncology massage and reflexology.
In her spare time, Katie loves to travel to warm and sunny destinations—preferably with a beach. She also loves spending time with her family and her fur baby, Winnie the Pooh. She also enjoys playing soccer, golf and tennis.
Get to know more about Katie when you visit us for your next appointment. She looks forward to welcoming you on your journey to wellness. Get the attention your health deserves. Contact us today to schedule your massage session!
Meet Makayla White, LMT
Makayla is a Licensed Massage Therapist with a passion for helping others achieve optimal health through professional manual therapy.
She completed her Therapeutic Massage program at Fox Valley Technical College in May 2023; and is also a recent graduate from the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, where she earned her Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology-Rehabilitation Science in December 2023.
When Makayla is not working she enjoys finding new recipes to cook/bake and spending time with her family!